Thursday, April 21, 2011

this video will make you think.

I don't think I can articulate the way this video makes me feel/think. So I won't.

What a beautiful life this is.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ooh la la...... L I P S

I am itching to buy some bright pink lipstick. Uh-mazing.


Long Beach flea market fotos...we had so much fun looking for baby girls nursery. Not to mention I found those INCREDIBLE oil portraits for $10 a piece. Still on cloud 9.


art inspiration: L E I G H viner

Monday, April 18, 2011

fashion inspiration: Alice + Olivia Spring 2011

I just love this line. That's all.

Steve McQueen

Is there a guy that exists who dresses like Steve McQueen and rides one of these?

My, my.


Living Past 55.

I've always been one who wouldn't mind dying young. In fact, getting old scares me more than anything. 55 always seemed like a nice age to go...I mean, at that point I will have travelled a ton, married some hot man who is starting to grey, might even have a few children. Seems about good time to move on.

Then Michaela showed me this video.

I can't seem to watch it enough. These women are so adorable, and I don't mean that in some patronizing manner. Each of them inspire me. They have a passion for fashion and self expression, and the confidence to wear whatever they want. Embracing the beauty that can only come from knowing ones self after many, many years of a life- they are unafraid to play. Life isn't over for them, there's more freedom in it than ever before. Must feel nice to just let go of the struggle to be seen as "sexy" or "desirable"...

This whole thing just makes me happy, but I think the part that makes me smile the most is who sent it to me. Michaela is one of my best friends. We've always tried to live together and it hasn't worked out..but there's this unspoken arrangement we've made and that is this: we'll be roommates in the rest home some day. Wearing depends, laughing at all the other old people, and bickering over who's music gets played. I can't wait.

So now, I'd like you to meet the women that have now given me a desire to live past my fifties. And here's to Michaela and I finally becoming roommates in our nursing home...


Friday, April 15, 2011

new set.....

Just a few pics of the most recent set I did for our Ladies night. I wanted to keep it simple + clean to tear down and set up each, the 8ft x 8ft canvas was painted in chalkboard paint and on the 6ft x 8ft's a collage and some artwork. The one with the painting is a "work in progress" to parallel the theme of the series, which is people's stories. We are all a work in progress, our stories are not finished. As the series continues, the painting will change and grow into what it will become in the end. Does that make any sense at all?

hope so.


Fashion blogger Atlantic-Pacific. Love how she mixes + layers while staying on trend.


art inspiration: A R I A N behzadi

So this is Arian Behzadi, he's a biological science major with an emphasis in neurobiology, physiology, and behavior at UC Davis. In addition to that, he spends some of his free time making these incredible designs. Loves it.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

a little teaser if you will...

Just a little preview I made for Megs...working on the real one as I learn final cut. Really wish i had more footage of our trip cuz it's soo fun to look back on!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011


store display lovin.

cuz i do.
I love the iPhone. These are some from Paris. Wishing I was there right now as I sit in my cubicle. Oui Oui.


court + i

I forgot I made this a lonnnnnnnnng time ago for Court. Thanks for helping me best friend. Whether you're helping me create my crazy ideas or helping me figure out my're a good friend + I love you so. Hey, at least we have each other.


graphic designer + illustrator {Luci Everett}

I really enjoy graphic designer Luci Evertt and when I came across her website, I fell in love with her little books! This one is titled Party + I want it...badly.

Been working on a new blog site, hence being MIA from the blogging world for a bit. Hope to have it up next week!
