best friends.
little bean! love her and her mamma- sister Q.

new art for the nursery.
Here's just a lil something I made for my baby niece. I love her so much already + I can't wait for her to get here. I probably think about her 17 times a day. I guess I just want to show her the Moser girl way.
I want her to know how close me and her mamma were growing up.
Playing store or "teenagers on a train" as little girls, (tickle tickle rub rub scratch scratch), going to emo shows as teenagers, talking about boys for hours while lying in bed at night, not being able to sleep or cope when I moved out for college without having her there to talk to, being nuts + losing our minds together, laughing together, fighting like crazy B's and doing some serious bodily damage, watching her fall in love + getting to stand by her side on her wedding day...there's so many memories we have as sisters.
She's my best friend. No one knows me like she does. We've shared lives together. We look alike. We have the same mannerisms. We laugh at the same things. We are sisters for life. And that feels pretty good.
Miss you sis + can't wait to meet little baby girl Meeh + show her our ways.
ugh so sappy right now.
make me cry... she has the best aunt in the world. Can't wait for her to meet you and have you as an amazing example. LOVE YOU SO